Monday, January 29, 2007

Ceace Porps.

This post will come in 2 parts. The first to my friends and family and the second to the idiots out there.

My dear friends and family, this will be my last post from the US, probably. I leave for DC tomorrow. I’ll be there for a few days and then off to my adventure in The Gambia Africa. It has been really tough to say good-bye to my friends this week. I cried a lot at church today as I said good-bye to my friends and my small group bible study. It was quite possibly good-bye forever to some of them. Many are in Grad. School or Med. school. They will finish before I get to return. They pain of saying good-bye to them was excruciating. But I’m really glad that I had the last 7 months to get to know them. I will miss you guys so much.

Tomorrow I say good-bye to my family and I know that won’t be too much easier. Thankfully my brother and sister-in-law came in from Ohio. It is so good to have them here to help me pack and get ready and then say good-bye. I will miss my family a lot as well.

Now for the Idiots out there. You see I was reading the volunteer handbook. They say in there that if I keep a website that I have to make it clear that my posts are my thoughts. Then don’t reflect the views held by the agency that I’m working for. So I don’t know if I’m going to spell out the complete name of the agency. So for now I’ll just have to call it the Ceace Porps. Thanks to all the idiots out there that would mistake my thoughts for someone elses.


tiffany said...

oh, pete!
this makes me sad.
i kept checking your blog everyday, thinking it would be the day that you were leaving--and now here it is!

i guess it makes me happy, too though, because i know you're going to do something real and that it will (hopefully) leave you happy and fulfilled.

anyway, as always, you will be a mouse-click away.
have a safe journey!!!!

when are these 'queen of the world' elections?
have you heard something?

Unknown said...

Pete - I hope your time in Wash DC goes well and that you continue to remember that you are loved and remembered in Pittsburgh. As you go to Africa may God's power and calling refresh you daily.

- M

Anonymous said...

Hope everything goes well in the Cease Porps and I'm glad you are continuing the blog while you are there. Did you remind M&M to send lots of pictures of Constantine? Maybe they should just come visit you with the baby after he/she is born.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pete,
I just checked out your blog for the first time. Best wishes. I'm praying for you and hoping that you enjoy that weather over got out just when the ultra-freeze came to Pittsburgh :)

Kelly from Bible Study