Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Psst. Hey buddy. Wanna buy a dog?

This weekend I went to a picnic. It was with some of the people that I played Frisbee with over the summer. (Frisbee-Amy wasn’t there.) There was a couple there that had just bought a dog. OUT OF THE BACK OF A VAN! They said it was an animal rescue type organization. In Tennessee there aren’t laws about having to get your dog fixed. So the shelters euthanize the dogs pretty quickly after they are brought in. So there’s this “underground railroad” for dogs. They (I don’t know who they is) go and get the dogs and bring them up to West Virginia. Then they sell the dogs out of the back of a van in a parking lot. Is that what Chris Farley was talking about? LIVING IN A VAN, DOWN BY THE RIVER!!