Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Don’t Hate Me Cause My Pictures Are Beautiful

You have to read that like Fabio. I don't know if that came across well.

Well, I finally entered the 20th century. I bought a digital camera. I don’t want to say where I bought it because a certain friend of mine doesn’t like the company. But I can probably tell you because India is blocking blogspot for some ridiculous reason. It’s probably because of Dave’s blog. It has all his crazy talk about HIV and peace and c%$#%#ms. So, I can tell you that I bought the camera at Best Buy. She doesn’t like Best Buy because she tried to buy a camera there while signing up for a Credit Card with them. But the screwed it all up and I think it did something to her credit. I learned her lesson and skipped getting the credit card with them. It’s a Sony and it takes pictures and videos. I took some pictures around the house and they looked good. I haven’t done any videos yet. I’m going to take it to soccer tomorrow and take some pictures and maybe video and see how it comes out. With this camera I can take tons of pictures and show them to everyone, posting them on the internet for all to see. I just have to remember to bring it with me.


David said...

I am bypassing the Indian blocking of blogspot. So so easy to do.

I don't know how evil best buy is but they sound a bit like Walmart. They are cheap but it's business practices quite dodgy.

That's fun that you have a camera though. I like cameras.

James Ayrton said...

You'll be wanting to download Picassa by Google. So good, and integrates well with blogger so it's easy to upload pics.

Lori said...

Pete, you went to Best Buy? You traitor!!!!

Just kidding. :) BTW-I second the recommendation for Picassa. (I too am bypassing it, although the ban is supposed to be lifted in the next couple of days)

Looking forward to seeing more pics from your side...

tiffany said...

yay for digital cameras!!

mine is a sony, too, and the only problem i've had is the 'remembering to bring it with me' thing.
it gets me almost every time.

Pete said...

i never thought of best buy as evil like walmart. it's just an electronics store. it's not super cheap like walmart. just it has a good selection rather than 3 cameras to choose from there's a bunch from different price ranges to look at.