Monday, December 26, 2005

Hawaii Part II

It’s been well over a month now and I think that it’s high time that I finish writing about Hawaii. Though in my last posting about my trip I may have made it sound like a disaster it was far from it. I had a great time. It was fun to see Heather and her brother Cam again. I always look forward to spending time with Lori. Any I had fun getting to know some of the friends and family of Heather and Alexis. Though there was rain nearly everyday it mostly didn’t interfere with our plans. When we needed it, the sun was out. The weather was really nice for the ceremony. Even if the pastor that did the ceremony wasn’t. Apparently she was pretty rude to Alexis, one of the brides, when Heather was late. She said that she had another ceremony that she had to get to. So we added her to the list of reasons not to use Turtle Bay Resorts ever again. Especially since they were a large part of the reason that Heather was late, as they had only scheduled one appointment for hair and nails and only had one person working in the salon. But both Heather and Alexis were to be all fixed up there. Then they couldn’t do room service either. I didn’t really get that story but basically they wanted to way over charge for food they couldn’t get there in less than 3 hours. I never actually heard what the girls did after that. Did they just not eat? Did they go hungry till the reception? I hope not. The reception was nice: the food was great, the weather was nice, but the bar tender wasn’t so great. He wasn’t very good at mixing drinks. But we all had a good time dancing and eating. I think that every Katherine, the vegan that made life hard for the food planners, was satisfied with the food.

The highlight of the trip for me was Saturday, after all the wedding stuff was done. Lori had a friend from high school that worked at a sea life park on the island. She is one of the dolphin trainers there. So we went and saw her shows and saw the park. She introduced us to one of the penguins and let us play with it some. Then later we got to meet one of the dolphins. We tried to get him to do some tricks but pretty much he only did it for Kelly, the trainer. She did get him out of the water for pictures with all of us. Cam really enjoyed the fish tank where you can hold a sea cucumber. He had some bad experiences with petting zoos but I think we got him over that experience. We also got to see the first know instance of a Wolphihn, half whale/half dolphin. It was an accident as they had put the female whales with the male dolphins for a night thinking there wouldn’t be any problems. Well, I guess the starts were rather romantic that night. The first question I asked and nearly every one I’ve told had asked is… is it sterile? Nope. It has had calves with a dolphin (I think). So they are ¾ dolphin and ¼ whale. They were hard to see, as they didn’t really come up out of the water for us. But we saw them swimming around. The park was small but fun. There were sea turtles and sea lions and a large tank with fish and manta rays and sharks. There’s also a dolphin adventure where you can swim with the dolphins. We didn’t do that though. I’d like to do that some time but we weren’t prepared to do it that day. That night I bought nearly all my souvenirs. Including a Hawaiian shirt for myself. I haven’t worn it yet though. It’s been a little cold for that. Then we went to a Thai restaurant with Kelly. The drive back home was a bit rough as we had trouble getting out of the city. (We did every time we were down there. Another reason to stay on the South Shore, not at Turtle Bay.) We were going to meet somebody that wanted Lori to take something back to his family in India. We were a little later than we though we would be but we got there. It was a good day. Then of course we had to pack since Lori was leaving the next morning and we had to be out by I think 11. So it was a late night of packing.

I really had a great time and if Heather does read my blog, I want to thank her again for planning things for us. We all loved our time there. I defiantly want to go back when we can see more of the other islands and get more time on the beach. Hawaii is still at the top of my list for Honeymoon destinations.

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