Friday, May 06, 2005

Boxing Day

Well, it's come. I'm moving tomorrow. I'm moving to a new house in the DC area. After living in the Town House that I'm currently in for 3 weeks, my roommate told me to leave because there is a possibility of personality conflict. One would ask, “”did you pee on his bed? “No”, I would answer. I have been watching a lot of TV. He would rather I didn't watch TV or spend time in the living room so that he and his girlfriend can have the living room alone. But mostly, he wants to have a friend of his move in instead of me living here. It would have been better if he had just told me no, I can't live here before I moved to the area. But then I guess if he had told me upfront then it would go against his character of being a dick.

So I'm moving. I'm not excited because now I'm worried that everybody in DC is like that now. Like this new guy will be all stupid like the guys I'm living with now. Probably he’s better. He’s not as bad as these guys. I’m just worried because of the experience that I’m having now. Yesterday the one roommate told me that he would be able to help me move but then today he told me that he has to work. How nice for him. I haven’t seen the other one. Which wouldn't upset me but we do have some things to settle. Also I haven’t told him off yet because I figured that things around here are bad enough. I was hoping for the chance to do that after I left. But we'll see.

Anyway, I'm all packed up with everything in boxes. I'm just waiting to start tomorrow. It'll be good to get out and finally get settled. Since I've been here for a month already. Seems like its time to get settled in. Plus my boss hasn't figured out that i'm jinxed and that there is a zone around me in which science can’t be done. Once he figures that out work won’t be so fun. So I’d like to have things at home going well before he realizes that. Then I’ll have to deal with all this crazy stress at work. I won’t be able to take the stress from both sides.


David said...

How dare you watch TV Pete... I think the reason we got along so well for so long was the lack of TV. I think it helps relationships.

However your house doesn't seem like it's a community enviroment so it probably doesn't apply.

David said...

Are you really jinxed with science?? How so?