Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Information that would have been useful YESTERDAY!!

I had a good time this weekend. I got in late on Friday and had dinner with my friend at Red Robin. It was good to catch up with him about life. Then we went home. It was my first time visiting them so I got the tour, which included a demonstration of his entertainment system. He has a very large TV (I don’t remember the measurements) with 6.1 Dolby surround sound. I also learned what that means. It was awesome. We watched a few movies over the weekend. It was awesome!

On Saturday we went running. Jeff has been running to try to be healthier. They usually run a 5K, about 3 miles, at about a 12 min. mile pace. I knew I could handle that. However, when we arrive the trainer says that she is going to run 5 miles and that anybody that wants can join her. Jeff decided that it would be good for him to do and I wasn’t going to just play on the jungle gym in the park. So I ran 5 miles with him. It took a little more than an hour. It was good but I was so tired the rest of the day. Plus my legs hurt pretty much until Wednesday morning. I was pretty close to falling asleep at the ceremony. My suggestion to all of you is not to run 5 miles cold just before a wedding. Just a thought that might help you someday.

I arrived at the wedding that afternoon a little late. I got there just in time to walk down the aisle to my seat just behind the bride. It was a nice service. The reception was okay. The only person that I knew was the bride. Nobody from college was there. I was a little surprised. Also a little disappointed that I didn’t get to use a good cover story. I’ll have to use the mortician idea next time. Instead I got to meet some of the groom’s friends from college, Northwestern. They seemed like a good group of people. They were the ones that decorated the car. They stuffed it with balloons, stuck cookies to the roof, and tied cans to the rear bumper. So I got along with them well. I did the dollar dance with the bride and left. I didn’t feel like doing much more than that.

The rest of the weekend went quickly. We watched some Sunday afternoon football. Then I flew home. The plane home was packed but I had my combos. No going hungry this time!

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