Wednesday, April 05, 2006


As I stated in my last posting I went to Pittsburgh last week. It was an AWESOME week. If for no other reason, I wasn’t waiting tables at the Fish Market. There were, however, many other reasons it was great. But I’ll stick with the restaurant reason for the minuet. This break came at a particularly good time. I was yet again at the point where I hated everybody that came into the restaurant. Pretty much for no reason other than they came into the restaurant. My one friend laughs at this saying that they come to give me money. My answer to that is, No they don’t. They come in to try to get free food and leave crappy tips. I can’t believe how many people come in and want to just try a few shrimps or scallops. Do I look like I own the place? Do you think there is a big tub of shrimps in the back where I can just take a hand full and give them to you and nobody will notice? I should take a moment to point out that not all customers are idiots. But apparently, there’s a high correlation with my tables. One of the other servers noticed that I don’t have much patients for people. So it was good that I got a break.

There are other better reasons that this weekend was so good. The main one being that I got to see my friend Lori 3 days in a row. I spent most of Thursday with her at her parent’s house. We mostly sat around and talked about life and her reasons for staying in India for another year. The chief reason seems to be simply that she’s not ready to come back yet. I’m happy for her that she can stay. She had trouble working out her work situation but it seems like she was able to get everything all set up. I’m also glad that she’s staying because the Peace Corp might station somewhere near her. How fun would that be for vacation?!? I can pick Dave up on the way to visit Lori. Or we can just meet in like Thailand or Greece if Pam will come. Friday we went to Phipps Conservatory (Professor Plum did it), and the Carnegie Museum. Neither of us had been since school field trips. Then we went for some irreverent fun at the Church Brew Works. It’s a restaurant that was built in an old church. They brew their own beer. They say they do it there but I don’t believe it. There isn’t room there for the output they would need. The beer was good, no matter where they brew it. Then on Saturday we went to see Ice Age 2: The Melt Down. It was funny and not too crowded with mall rats. Then we went to Houlihan’s and tried some special beer they had. Not that great: don’t remember the name of it though. But the conversation was good.

I was also pretty successful with the doctor and the dentist. I wasn’t able to get the x-rays that I needed at the dentist. He didn’t have the panoramic machine and the other ones kept making me gag. I gag really easily. So I have to see if I can get one done here in DC without it costing too much. I’m also waiting to get my lab results from the VA sent to my doctor. I think I might have to go down and just get them and fax them myself. I have tomorrow off so that might be how I fill my day tomorrow.

I also got to see my parents and some other friends in Pittsburgh. It was my parent’s anniversary. My dad got my mom a Mylar balloon that when you hit it sings, “Still the one” (we’re still having fun, and you’re still the one). Very cute and totally a gift that my dad would get.

So that was my week. Lori told me that I should blog about my trip to the VA hospital. So I might have to see if I can do that.


tiffany said...

while this really was a lovely post in all, what i really want to say is, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LINKED TO MY SIGHT BY TELLING PEOPLE THAT I PEE MY PANTS!!!!!!!

in reality, i don not pee my pants.
very often.

that is all.

Pete said...

your funniest posts talk about how you almost peed your pants.