Wednesday, April 12, 2006


I’m at Panera Bread where they have free internet access. Exept for today when it’s not working. I just called the help desk and she said yes, we are aware that it’s down and I can’t say when it will be fixed. How annoying is that?!? I may have to go to another store or (shutter) the library(where I’m pretty sure they have wireless). So hopefully it won’t take too long to post this. If all else fails I’ll do it when I get home.

Not too much has happened in the last week. Pretty much everybody at work knows that I’m leaving on Sunday. It’s hard to explain to some of them what I’m doing/where I’m going. Especially since I don’t know. But I just tell them vague things and that seems to do. They keep asking me if I like Asian girls and if that’s why I’m going. Well, I do like Asian girls but that’s not really why I’m going. Though, I usually just say yes, that’s why I’m going. These last few days at work have been pretty bad. We are really busy now because the weather here is nice now. When the weather is nice our sections get bigger because we have extra tables outside but no extra people to help out. So it’s been kind of crazy because I haven’t gotten a good rhythm down for handling all the tables. Plus yesterday I worked with a bartender lazier than I am and a server that’s not much better. Usually I can get some help from the other servers if I need but not so much from these two. One of my first tables got me all screwed up because he ordered the wrong thing and then complained when I told him that I would make the change and it would take just a few minuets to fix it (who do they think I am, Bullwinkle?!? Hey Rocky, watch me pull a crab cake out of my hat!). But in the time that took I had 2 other tables come in and then I just kept getting behind and couldn’t catch up. I was pretty unhappy the rest of the day. Today was better. I was training a new guy today. I like doing that. It’s fun and if the person is good then they do like half the work for you. It was easier to keep up with everything today. 3 more days of working at the Fish Market. That’s a good feeling.

Next week one of the other servers is taking me out for lunch or dinner at a Thai place. She is Thai: well half Thai, her mom is American. I’m really looking forward to it, except for one thing. I want to get her a gift but I don’t know what to get her. I should point out that she is married. So this isn’t a romantic encounter kind of thing. I wouldn’t say that we are really close but I do have a fondness for her and I will miss her. So I have to think of a good gift before Wednesday. I’m taking suggestions, if anybody has some. Something that will remind her of me. Maybe I’ll just go to the mall tomorrow and see if I can find something I like for her. That’s usually how I shop for people, I just walk around the mall and see if I can get inspired. That’s not always an easy process as Dave and Lori and attest to from Hawaii and Dili Haat. But usually I’m pretty happy with what I come up with. Let me know if you have any suggestions.


David said...

Yep it's pretty hard to shop with you mate.

What about a CD?

Lori said...

Pete! I'm still here in visa yet...when are you moving back??

tiffany said...

HA! to the asian girls thing. a friend of mine is moving to taiwan next week, and people keep asking him the same thing.

my question is different...why are all the men moving to the other side of the world?

i'm getting worried.